Monday, 20 June 2011

We win! vs. - Sanity prevails!

We have just received the good news that the vs. case at the National Arbitration Forum has been decided in our favour. Ten pages of legal case work conclude with the statement: 'Accordingly, it is ordered that the <> domain name has to REMAIN WITH Respondent.' Common sense prevails. In light of this decision, we expect that, the $5bn chemical cleaning and pest extermination company, will stop harassing us. We have more important matters to address than legal battles over our name.


I am grateful to the dozens of people who contributed to the the funding appeal to help pay the lawyers bills. I also need to thank Jim Killock at the Open Rights Group for convincing me that people would care and it was possible to ask for help! There are a couple website geniuses that came to my aid when the site mysteriously went down in the middle of this whole episode. Thanks Ian Green and Phil Isaac; if you had not swooped in, the arbitration forum would not have been able to see that is entirely legitimate and the entire case might have been ruined. Also thanks to our lawyer Rowland Buehrlen for a good defense and for subsidised legal fees. Thanks to friends and family for the their support. No corporation has the right to claim exclusive rights on any words in common use.


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